Friday, February 26, 2016

Fri Yay!

Mike's schedule at his new job is Tuesday through Saturday, and since I haven't found a job yet I've just been following his same routine. So it's not quite the weekend yet here, but it's getting close! Fridays have been good days for me to clean house, do laundry, and go grocery shopping. One of the nice things about not working yet is I can get all those kinds of things done during the week, so the weekend can just be quality time with Mike. Below are some things I've been up to this week.

1. Juicer

I've been interested in trying juicing, but didn't really want to spend money on a juicer. This caused a dilemma. So I went to Goodwill and found one I liked for nine bucks! I'm hitting up the grocery store today to get some stuff to juice. I'll let you know how it goes.

2. Crafting

I've had spare time to do a little crafting lately and it's been so fun!! This is a shower poof I crocheted. I really like the colors.

3. Clean Car

So I've been meaning to clean out the inside of my car for weeks now and just kept coming up with excuses about doing it tomorrow. Well tomorrow no more! I did it.

4. Thursday

The weather on Thursday afternoon was beautiful! It put me in such a good mood! The temperature was 71 degrees and you better believe I opened the windows and put some music on. The cats and I may or may not have had a dance party (we did).

5. Costco

Since moving to Medford, Mike and I have become Costco members. I LOVE it. My parents have been members for years, so I already knew how awesome it was. Nothing like buying toilet paper in bulk to make you feel like an adult. I'm heading there today to pick up some groceries!

Hope you all have a great weekend with beautiful weather! See ya later!

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