Friday, April 24, 2015

Yay for Friday!

Happy Friday! I'm excited to be back to blogging and sharing some highlights of my week!

1. So anyone with a long-haired cat knows that occasionally they will get some matted hair. Usually we jut cut out the matted piece with scissors. Somehow Pantera managed to get the biggest clump of matted fur EVER. Mike had to get it out with hair clippers!! As you can see from the picture, Pantera is now sporting a lovely bald spot. Hopefully it grows back quickly!

2. Halo became very studious this week and decided a nice hat and glasses was a good look for her.

3. Spring is on the way!! There's signs of color returning to these parts! This picture is of apple blossoms in the apple tree in our backyard.

4. I crocheted a sponge! I love not only getting to use my creativity, but to use it to make something purposeful.

5. I've really tried to focus more on eating a bit healthier and working out regularly. I've worked out everyday this week!! Hopefully I can keep it up!
 Hope you have a great weekend! I should be back here on Monday with a post about the rest of my travels!

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