Friday, July 26, 2013

High Five for Friday

I’m linking up with the Lauren Elizabeth blog for High Five for Friday. Every Friday she posts five of her favorite things that either happened during the week or that she is excited about doing during the coming weekend. This week I’ve joined in on the fun…

1.      Mike and I have been doing a detox diet this week, and I can’t wait for it to be over. It was harder than I thought it would be. More details next week.

2.      I got to spend time with my family last weekend, which is always really nice.

3.      My best friend, Silvia, and I FINALLY got to see each other last weekend too. It’s been way too long!

4.      This weekend, Mike and I will be at the beach with his family. We always have a blast together and I can’t wait!

5.      I finally took the plunge and launched this blog!!

In future High Five for Friday posts, I will include pictures. This week just snuck up on me. Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Guilty Pleasure - Big Brother

Every summer for years and years I have watched Big Brother on CBS. I’m not exactly sure what it is about the show that gets me hooked, but every season I love it. Part of it probably has to do with the fact that it only comes on during the summer, when all the other shows are on a hiatus. Big Brother airs three times a week, so it’s a pretty big commitment as far as TV watching time goes. The basis of the show is a group of people are locked in a house for three months. They have no connection to the outside world – no TV, cellphone, tablet, etc. All the house guests have to compete in competitions for certain things.

It starts off with the head of household competition. Whoever wins this gets to nominate two house guests for eviction. Each week, one house guest will be voted off. Then there’s the veto competition, where the nominated house guests, the head of household, and three other house guests compete to win the veto. The winner of the veto may veto (redundant, I know) one of the nominations. So, long story short, a house guests gets voted off each week and the last person at the end of the season is the winner. There is also a food competition each week. This one would probably be the most important to me (I love to eat). This competition is usually done in groups. The winners get to continue eating whatever they would like. However, the losers have to eat a gross concoction called slop or whatever America has voted for them to be allowed to eat. It’s usually some sort of gross combination of two foods. Plus, the losers have to take cold showers and sleep in an uncomfortable bed.

There is always lots of drama and romance going on. This season, in particular, there are quite a few showmances (show romance). It’s interesting to watch different personalities deal with being around each other 24/7. Some people can handle it and some can’t. Over the first couple weeks of the show I always develop a favorite – the one I want to make it to the end. This year I like either Elissa or Howard.

Do you watch Big Brother? Who are your favorites? Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cat Lady

Growing up I had pet dogs and always thought of myself as a dog person. That is until a little kitten hanging out by a dumpster stole my heart. She was a stray kitty hanging out where I was working at the time. One of my co-workers found her and brought her inside. I was in love (but who wouldn’t be with a tiny baby cat?). I named her Halo and became a cat lady instantly. Lucky for me, my husband, Mike, is also a cat lover. We each had one cat before moving in together, so we are now a two cat household.



A few weekends ago I made a trip to Ikea and came home with a new chair (I know… you are wondering where this is going). The box the chair came in was huge! Of course the cats had to investigate. What cat can refuse a new box? Mike decided to cut out a few holes here and there and the box suddenly became a house. We thought the cats were so cute playing in their cat house. So cute, in fact, that we decided the cat house had to become a reality.

The next weekend we headed to our nearest home improvement store and bought our supplies. We worked on building our cat house the entire weekend. We planned, cut, sawed, painted, glued, nailed, etc. It was hard work, not gonna lie. The end product is pretty impressive (at least I think so)! Now we just have to convince the cats that this house is as cool as the box.




Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Earring Holder

I’ve had my eye out for a while for something unique and functional to hold my earrings, but could never find exactly what I was looking for. My grandfather likes to do occasional woodworking projects so I asked him if he would be able to come up with something. I was expecting something kind of like a box with little spaces to put the earrings; however, what I got was so much more. It’s pretty much the coolest earring holder in the history of the planet.

He gave it to me unfinished so I could decorate it however I wanted. I thought of painting it ombre with coral colors, but ultimately decided to stain it. The stain matches a lot of my other furniture and jewelry boxes, and I know I’m less likely to get tired of a stain than a paint color. I also put a light sealer on it to make it a little shiny.

Earrings from Amy Lowe Designs
There’s a ton of storage and my grandpa made the little holes in varying sizes to accommodate many earring sizes. Every morning I get excited to open it up and pick out what earrings I want to wear. I’m pretty much in love!

Monday, July 22, 2013


Hello! Thank you for stopping by my little space. I’m excited to start this blog and share some ideas and hopefully learn some new things from you too! I’ve been a regular reader of a few blogs for about a year and half.  I just love them! So I’ve been wanting to give one a try myself, but it’s a little intimidating. However, I’ve decided to take the plunge (obviously), and I hope you will join me on this journey.

I love being creative and crafts are my FAVORITE!! I'm a true believer that hands are the best tool God gave us. I hope to have some DIY projects, recipes, and life stories to share with you all. Please check out my About Me section to learn more about me and feel free to leave comments!