Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cat Lady

Growing up I had pet dogs and always thought of myself as a dog person. That is until a little kitten hanging out by a dumpster stole my heart. She was a stray kitty hanging out where I was working at the time. One of my co-workers found her and brought her inside. I was in love (but who wouldn’t be with a tiny baby cat?). I named her Halo and became a cat lady instantly. Lucky for me, my husband, Mike, is also a cat lover. We each had one cat before moving in together, so we are now a two cat household.



A few weekends ago I made a trip to Ikea and came home with a new chair (I know… you are wondering where this is going). The box the chair came in was huge! Of course the cats had to investigate. What cat can refuse a new box? Mike decided to cut out a few holes here and there and the box suddenly became a house. We thought the cats were so cute playing in their cat house. So cute, in fact, that we decided the cat house had to become a reality.

The next weekend we headed to our nearest home improvement store and bought our supplies. We worked on building our cat house the entire weekend. We planned, cut, sawed, painted, glued, nailed, etc. It was hard work, not gonna lie. The end product is pretty impressive (at least I think so)! Now we just have to convince the cats that this house is as cool as the box.




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