Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Home Tour

We've been in Oregon about a month now and have settled in nicely into our new home. It's the newest built of any of our previous rentals. I believe it was finished in 2012, which is about 120 years newer than our rental in Colorado! You can see that home tour here, here, & here. Our new home is a duplex with a garage. This is also the first time we've had a garage and we love it. I'm not exactly sure on the square footage, but it's comparable to our two previous places, so somewhere around 1,200 sq ft (including the garage).

Since we are so far from family and friends I thought I'd do a little home tour for everyone to see our new place. Let's pretend you're coming over for dinner! You just pulled up to the house and Mike and I greet you with big hugs. Now, let me take you on a little walk through our new home.
 When you enter the front door there is a short hallway with a view of the whole house - living room, dining room, and kitchen. But first there is a door to the left which goes to a room we are using as an office.
 It's a bit tight in here with three desks, but we make it work. Mike and I both have computer desks, then I also have a craft desk.
 I like my work space to be fairly clutter free and colorful!!

This is the view of the rest of the house from the end of that short hallway, starting with the living room.

Dining Room
Super cute frog salt & pepper shakers!!!

 This is the largest kitchen Mike and I have had so far. It's also the most updated! I'm loving all the cabinet and counter space we have here.


 This bedroom is pretty spacious compared to our last place. Also, we didn't want to put any holes in the walls here, so everything you see hanging was done with command strips (love those things!).
 I call this guy Mr. Buffalo. I got him last summer while visiting Yellowstone!

It wouldn't be a home tour without seeing the cats! Halo has adjusted wonderfully while Pantera took a bit longer, but is doing much better. Mike is in his third week at his new job and is doing great! He likes it a lot! I'm currently job hunting and keeping my options open. I know the right job will come along, I'm just hoping sooner rather than later. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog! I know I've said this before, but hopefully I'll get back in the habit of writing more often. Talk to ya later!!

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