Friday, April 25, 2014

High Five for Friday

This week absolutely flew by! I can't believe it's weekend time again already (not complaining though!). My top five things from this week are:

1. Mike and I's great trip to Denver last weekend. I LOVED it :)

2. Celebrating Easter. This was our first holiday we would have been with family if we were at home, but we're not so we celebrated just Mike and I. We colored Easter eggs, spoke with both sides of our families, and made a great dinner.

3. I have less than a week until I start my new job at the state park. I'm getting excited, but also a little nervous.
4. School is quickly coming to an end for the summer! I'm trying my very hardest to get all these end of semester projects, presentations, and papers done before I start working.
5. Mike and I are volunteering with the gun club this weekend to run the concession stand at the softball game. The high for Saturday is 75 and it's not supposed to rain, so it should be a perfect day to get outside a little.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!

This post was linked up with the Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday!

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